Contact Us

Contact us to begin an amazing adventure. To become self-reliant and gaining confidence through classroom and practical application of incredible skills.

While we have basic syllabuses for each courses in order to keep our accreditation, not every class is exactly alike. The instructor/class relationship is supposed to be fun and dynamic and a question asked by a student may take the instructor down a path where he teaches something in addition to the course curriculum.

We do not have a scheduled class calendar since some classes and projects- IE govt projects- trump anything else because we believe the safety of the people possibly going in harms way merits attention over the hobbyist.

Call us or contact us today to discuss what you are looking for and pricing. We are excited to teach you some of the most amazing things on the planet.

Updated August 1st, 2021 – Due to high interest and long-term training contracts, all classes are booked until July 2022. Sorry For any Inconvenience!- Dr. Robert Urban