Camouflage Techniques


Camouflage is an art and a science. The instructors at the Urban Survival Academy have Special Forces backgrounds, including service in the Navy SEALs, Snipers, Force Recon and more.

These are the types of people who know camouflage so well that they can stay hidden from other trained soldiers who are actively looking for them.

Imagine what they can teach you.

A Practical Skill

Camouflage is useful for its tactical applications, of course, and that’s why most people want to study it. Hiking, hunting and outdoor adventuring are other areas where camouflage skills come into play. Whether you’re hunting or taking photographs, good camo can get you closer to animals than you might have thought possible.

These classes are also useful for people who work in or who are planning to enter specific industrial fields, such as the aerospace or defense contracting sectors.

There are even recreational applications of what we can teach you. If you’re on a paintball team, for instance, camouflage techniques certainly give you an advantage.

Learn How It’s Really Done

There’s likely more to camouflage than you think. It’s not just buying clothes, tarps or applying paint in certain patterns. As was said, there is both an art and a science to remaining hidden, and hiding objects, and we offer training that will give you a solid grounding in the techniques involved.

If you’re a hunter, outdoor adventurer, in law enforcement or the military, you’ll appreciate the skills you gain from this training, and have a good time building them.

This class is also ideal for those who are interested in the visual arts and who want to learn an advanced application of the psychology and physiology of perception.

Contact us today to get started.