Dynamic Entry


Dynamic entry employs fast, precise and forceful tactics to take control of a room. It requires very high levels of teamwork.

Dynamic entries are used in situations where military or law enforcement personnel must enter a space where they believe they are under high levels of threat. If the dynamic entry goes off properly, the people in the room won’t have the time to process and react to the entry before the room is completely taken over.

Our instructors have served in Special Forces organizations ranging from the US Navy SEALs to the British Royal Marine Commandos to SWAT teams. Their skills were developed in real-world tactical situations.

Proven Tactics

In dynamic entry situations, the right skillset and precise execution of those skills can keep you and your team alive.

In a law-enforcement scenario, well-honed dynamic entry skills allow SWAT teams to apprehend even the most dangerous individuals without firing a shot. Before the suspects realize what’s even going on, they’re already on the floor and being taken into custody.

Our instructors teach dynamic entry techniques that employ fast, overwhelming amounts of force that dominate a space and allow the situation to be resolved while minimizing the chances of injury.

If your team is in need of training, contact us to begin working up a plan to help them develop these potentially life-saving skills.