Mout | Room Clearing


Military operations in urban terrain (Mout) and room clearing are vital skills sets for law enforcement, security personnel and military personnel.

The Urban Survival Academy instructors learned these techniques in the service as Special Forces operatives, and provide the highest level of training available to government agencies, law enforcement agencies and other organization.

Fast, Aggressive and Decisive

Mout and room clearing operations require very rapid and coordinated action to minimize the chances of casualties. Done properly, clearing a room can eliminate threats before they have a chance to act.

Our military and SWAT experience allow us to teach Mout and room clearing from the perspective of people who have done it in real life. Beginners and those who are very advanced will both find our Mout and room clearing program to be an eye opener.

Contact Us

If people in your organization need Mout and room clearing training, contact us. We can provide them with the best, most effective and most tested arsenal of techniques available.

If you have a personal interest in learning these techniques, or you just want to participate in something exciting that allows you to function as part of a flawless team, contact us.